
Clenbuterol was often used for asthma treatment. As a wonder medicine for weight reduction, and earned a great deal of popularity among bodybuilders and sportsmen. Clenbuterol […]

Clenbuterol was often used for asthma treatment. As a wonder medicine for weight reduction, and earned a great deal of popularity among bodybuilders and sportsmen.

Clenbuterol was initially meant to be used as a bronchodilator, which means that this product was to be used by asthma patients to widen the airways, making breathing easier.

Over time, however, people taking Clenbuterol began to see fast fat reduction . As a result, Clenbuterol became very popular in the fitness business, which continues to be so to this day.

Bodybuilders utilise Clenbuterol to reduce body fat and become ripped for competitions. Clenbuterol is also a favourite with people who want to reduce weight and develop muscle tone for non-medical reasons.

The mass acceptance of Clenbuterol by celebrities contributed to the popularity, further establishing the anabolic characteristics. This also helps enhance performance.

Clenbuterol has been classified as an anabolic steroid by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) study. This symbolises both the performance-enhancing capabilities and the possible hidden risks for consumers!

Clenbuterol Steroid

Clenbuterol has several characteristics and has qualities that aid asthma sufferers by relaxing airways, as well as features that aid those with chest congestion.

In addition to these therapeutic properties, Clenbuterol activates the CNS and cardio-vascular muscles. This impact produces aftereffects such as quick fat loss, a rise in energy, and occasionally an improvement in concentration.

Besides these benefits, Clenbuterol is an effective muscle-building agent.

Every bodybuilder’s goal is to increase muscle mass and decrease body fat.

What Clenbuterol Does to the Body?
Clenbuterol may be present in the body for at least six days after administration. Depending on the quantity of dosages, residues may persist in the circulation for a longer duration.

This anabolic steroid induces thermogenesis. In addition, the consumer experiences a decrease in hunger and a peculiar increase in energy levels.

When taking advantage of these spikes, users may grow muscle mass and lose fat at a pace that is unparalleled.

Some former users have lost a substantial amount of weight and obtained an athletic advantage throughout the usage cycles.

In addition to these favourable advantages, Clenbuterol may potentially cause harm due to the adverse effects. For instance, a rise in heart rate that causes a stroke, anxiety, mood changes, or an elevation in blood sugar.

Before embracing anything, users need to be aware of the drawbacks, even though some individuals may never encounter these. A well-informed choice is usually better than an impetuous one.

What is a Clenbuterol cycle?
Cycling is a phrase used to describe the frequency and duration of a substance’s administration. Furthermore concerns with Clenbuterol, users should be aware of crucial safety reasons to employ a suitable Clenbuterol cycle.

Clenbuterol may have some immediate side effects, but the long-term advantages are undeniable. Unfortunately, the adverse effects intensify with repeated usage, thus is crucial that users understand how to properly cycle Clenbuterol.

The optimal Clenbuterol cycle will depend on the user’s metabolism and how the body absorbs medications and nutrients. The cycles provided here are an excellent place to start, but one should tailor an individual cycle to specific needs.

1 The Burst Cycle

This cycle entails taking a reasonably high dose of Clenbuterol for a few days, followed by a few days off. This might be a poor cycle for novices who lack familiarity with bodybuilding supplements. The body may be taken aback, and individuals may feel excessive intensity. Some of the ramifications may appear too rapidly, which may quickly become a significant issue.

2 The Common Cycle

As the name implies, this is a popular Clenbuterol Cycle. The typical Clenbuterol-using bodybuilder will likely refer to this cycle. During a typical Cycle, Clenbuterol is administered over a seven-day period at a constant, controlled dose.

After a week, individuals must discontinue usage of Clenbuterol until the body adjusts to functioning normally without the product. Clenbuterol has a lengthy half-life, this normally takes seven more days or probably more.

3 The Incremental Cycle

This Clen cycle entails beginning with a low Clenbuterol dose and gradually increases. Take a modest dosage for a period of some weeks, then gradually raise the dosage when the body develops tolerance to the drug’s effects.

Are Clenbuterol Cycles safe?
Clenbuterol is not regarded as safe at any dose and may induce a variety of health problems. Clenbuterol is slowly metabolised and removed from the body, and may take a while for the majority of these side effects to vanish.

Among the most prevalent side effects of Clenbuterol are:

  • Muscle Cramps
  • Enhanced Elevated Heart Rate
  • Dryness of The Mouth
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty in Respiration
  • Sweating
  • Cardiac Palpitations

One of the most dangerous side effects of long-term Clenbuterol usage is a rise in the number of cardiac cells, which makes the heart’s ability to pump blood more difficult. This may raise the risk of strokes and hinder the blood’s ability to distribute oxygen and nutrients in the body.

With such long-term health consequences, many individuals do not believe any Clenbuterol dose to be risk-worthy.


Clenbuterol Cycle

Clenbuterol has a unique cycle compared to other anabolic drugs. To maximise this potential, one must begin slowly and modestly. Users may safely raise the dose as time passes.

This method ensures that the user can withstand consequences that may be equally beneficial and unpleasant.

Clenbuterol inhibits fat storage via thermogenesis and burns fat even when the body is at rest. This may have a similar effect as a fever. Therefore, users should not be in a hurry to begin walking before running.

Depending on objectives, users may combine with a different anabolic steroid or take Clenbuterol alone. Depending on the fitness objectives and prior experience with anabolic steroids, the choice to stack and doses may vary.

Clenbuterol Cycle dosage

Clenbuterol cycles consist of two weeks off followed by two weeks on.

This implies that users must adhere to the prescribed dosages for the initial two weeks. After the 2-week time has elapsed, the user may re-enter the course and resume usage.

As earlier emphasised the necessity of a gradual start with Clenbuterol, the succeeding doses reflect this viewpoint.

Days 1-2: upto 20 mcg
Days 3-4: upto 40 mcg
Days 5-6: upto 60 mcg
Days 7-8: upto 80 mcg
Days 9-10: upto 100 mcg
Days 11-12: upto 120 mcg
Days 13-14: upto 140 mcg
Importantly, a first cycle must conclude at 140 mcg. Interestingly, at the start of the second cycle, the dose would not be 20 mcg. Instead, they would resume the previous dosage, which in this instance is 140 mcg.

The recommended frequency of these cycles is 16. With two weeks of use and two weeks of rest, this equates to around 32 weeks throughout a year. Some prior users have advocated following-up with two 8-week cycles each year since 16 weeks is a lengthy period.

Clenbuterol 20mcg
Vitamin B6,B9,B12 5mcg
60 Tablets









